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These are the committees defined within Western Carolina Sailing Club. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall, at least three weeks before the Annual Meeting, nominate the Regular members to serve as Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, and Stewards to succeed those whose terms are expiring. The Secretary shall include a list of those nominations in the notice of the Annual Meeting.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall be composed of a Chairman and eight other Regular members. The Committee shall receive and review all applications, consider the credit and character report of each applicant, consider any protest or endorsement received from the membership and make any investigation that it considers necessary as to the qualifications of the applicant. The committee shall forward its recommendations to the Board of Stewards. Reports to the Commodore.
Sailing Committee
Subject to the direction and control by the Board of Stewards (the Sailing Committee) shall direct and control all races sailed under the auspices of the Club. Individual class regattas held at the Club facilities shall be under the sole direction and administration of members of the class holding the regatta. Reports to the Vice Commodore.
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House Committee
House Committee: Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Stewards, shall assume the care and maintenance and management of the Club House and its equipment, to decide on and contract for all work necessary for proper maintenance of the Club House, to supervise the purchases of supplies, to regulate charges, to establish rules for the use of the Club House by members and guests and their conduct therein, and to enforce all House rules. The Committee shall be responsible to submit an annual budget for operations of the Club House to the Board of Stewards for approval. The committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Stewards for any renovations and improvements and shall conduct its affairs in accordance with the provisions of the Club's By-Laws, rules and administrative procedures. Reports to the Rear Commodore. For additional information to include the current projects, please click "more information".
Harbor Committee
Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Stewards, it (The Harbor Committee) shall be responsible for the care, maintenance and management of the Club's Harbor facilities including docks, moorings and launching ramps. It shall be responsible for establishing rules for the use of the facilities and the enforcement thereof. The committee shall submit annually to the Board of Stewards a budget setting forth the income anticipated from the use of the facilities as well as the anticipated cost of maintaining the facilities. It shall also make recommendations to the Board of Stewards for any improvements or renovations. The Committee shall be responsible for conducting all Harbor activities in accordance with the rules set forth by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers and shall be responsible that all necessary permits pertaining to the Harbor facilities are current and comply with Corps of Engineers regulations. Reports to the Vice Commodore.
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Grounds Committee
Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Stewards, it shall assume the care, maintenance and management of the grounds occupied by the Club either owned or leased. It shall decide on, and contract for all work necessary for the proper maintenance of the grounds, to supervise the purchase and care of equipment used for maintenance of the grounds and to establish rules and regulations pertaining to the use of all the grounds facilities and enforce the observance of same. It shall be responsible that all the improvements, maintenance, and the use of the grounds of the Club comply with the regulations set forth by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. It shall submit annually to the Board of Stewards a budget setting forth the income and expenses associated with the operations, care, and maintenance of the grounds and ground facilities. It also shall make recommendations to the Board of Stewards for any renovations and improvements. Reports to the Rear Commodore.
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Entertainment Committee
Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Stewards, it shall schedule, manage and conduct all social functions and matters pertaining to the entertainment of the members except social events connected with individual regattas which shall be under the direction of the class holding the regatta. If you would like to sign up for Entertainment Committee, please email the Entertainment Committee Chair with your preference of what you would like to be assigned to. Reports to the Commodore.
Administrative Committee
Administrative Functions of the Club Reports to the Commodore
Corps of Engineers
Reports to the Commodore
Fair Share
The Fair Share Committee is responsible for being the recepient of and maintaining the records for the fair share hours worked by members. The fair share committee is also responsible for providing this information in a timely fashion to the Administration Committee for billing purposes. The Fair Share Committee reports to the Rear Commodore.
Documents the history of WCSC Reports to the Secretary
Insurance Committee
Reports to the Treasurer
Long Range Planning Committee
Responsible for long-range plan recommendations to carry out the mission statement; review of new and existing programs; review of planning for new facilities; and other matters which may be referred to it by the Board of Stewards. Reports to the Board of Stewards
Public Relations
Encompasses publicity, website administration and social media. Goals include attracting new members and keeping current members involved and up to date. Reports to the Commodore.
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Safety & Security
Reports to the Commodore
Ship Store
Reports to the Rear Commodore and responsible for managing the Ships store. You can order WCSC clothing at
WOW (Women on the Water)
The purpose of the WOW committee is to promote sailing for women and girls at WCSC, promote safety on and off the water, support other committees towards the achievement of mutual goals, and to support WCSC as a whole. Reports to the Commodore.